Can This Sweetener Stop Tooth Decay?
We all know that the only tried and true method of preventing cavities is…
Just One Sugary Treat Can Still Cause Tooth Decay
As dental professionals, we feel like broken records telling people to reduce…
Stories of 3 Famous Sets of Movie & TV Teeth
While they may seem like a small detailed compared to extravagant period-piece…
Make the Most of Your Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening is a fantastic investment in the appearance of your smile.…
What Not to Do If You Have a Toothache
A toothache is your body's way of telling you something has gone wrong in your…
3 Common Misconceptions About Flossing
We know it can be difficult to get in the habit of flossing regularly. After…
Sealants Really Do Prevent Tooth Decay
Sealants have long been a routine part of preventive dental care for children.…
What Does It Take to Be a Dentist?
As a patient, you may wonder exactly what qualifications you need in order to…
Three Ways to Prevent Bad Breath
Bad breath can be a notoriously sneaky and therefore embarrassing issue. You…
Do Charcoal Teeth Whitening Products Work?
Every few years a new dental care fad pops up and we dentists and hygienists…